Fitness: Morning Warm-Up

©Leaping the Chasm | Published by www.leapingthechasm.com | Indianapolis, IN USA
©Leaping the Chasm | Published by www.leapingthechasm.com | Indianapolis, IN USA
Leaping the Chasm Announces New Downloadable Content
Downloadable content makes the transfer of knowledge and information simple for women in their 40’s, 50’s and beyond experiencing tough life transitions.
Jun 30, 2017, 08:00 EDT from Leaping the Chasm.
Indianapolis, IN, USA, Jun. 30, 2017 — Leaping the Chasm (“LTC” or the “Organization”), which raises life transition awareness and advocates for women in their 40’s, 50’s and beyond, announced today the launch of its Downloadable content. Women can now download free infographics and topic sheets in addition to accessing resources and following
©Leaping the Chasm | Published by www.leapingthechasm.com | Indianapolis, IN USA
©Leaping the Chasm | Published by www.leapingthechasm.com | Indianapolis, IN USA
©Leaping the Chasm | Published by www.leapingthechasm.com | Indianapolis, IN USA
©Leaping the Chasm | Published by www.leapingthechasm.com | Indianapolis, IN USA
©Leaping the Chasm | Published by www.leapingthechasm.com | Indianapolis, IN USA
©Leaping the Chasm | Published by www.leapingthechasm.com | Indianapolis, IN USA
©Leaping the Chasm | Published by www.leapingthechasm.com | Indianapolis, IN USA
©Leaping the Chasm | Published by www.leapingthechasm.com | Indianapolis, IN USA
©Leaping the Chasm | Published by www.leapingthechasm.com | Indianapolis, IN USA
©Entrepreneur Magazine (online) | 9 Yoga Poses You Can Do At Your Desk Without Looking Really Weird
Grace Reader, Contributor and Former Editorial Intern | https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/279988
Leaping the Chasm Announces Online Resource Expansion
Online resources are now expanded and easier to access for women in their 40’s, 50’s and beyond experiencing tough life transitions.
Mar 9, 2017, 08:00 EDT from Leaping the Chasm.
Indianapolis, IN, USA, Mar. 9, 2017 — Leaping the Chasm (“LTC” or the “Organization”), which raises life transition awareness and advocates for women in their 40’s, 50’s and beyond, announced today the expansion of their online resources designed to take the effort out of searching for specific solutions to ease tough life transitions.
Leaping the Chasm Joins Mogul
Joining Mogul increases the ability to reach women across the globe and raise worldwide awareness for women in their 40’s, 50’s and beyond going through tough life transitions.
Mar 3, 2017, 08:00 EDT from Leaping the Chasm.
Indianapolis, IN, USA, Mar. 3, 2017 — Leaping the Chasm (“LTC” or the “Organization”), which raises life transition awareness and advocates for women in their 40’s, 50’s and beyond, announced today that it has joined Mogul, an award-winning platform that enables women worldwide to connect, share information and access
Our Mission
To share our experiences, knowledge, tools and solutions via our website and social media with women in their 40’s, 50’s and beyond who are experiencing tough life transitions. We will facilitate access to conversations and bring visibility to the impact these difficult and too-often-unavoidable transitions have on the lives of women everywhere.
Our Mantra
1. Our audience is the most important group of people in the world to us.
2. Our audience is not an interruption… they are the reason we exist.
3. We are not doing our audience a favor by serving