A Clumsy Little Message of Hope
Facing a new year can be tough when you're a women of an assured age going through one or more life transitions. I know this because I'm hip deep in life transitions and I'm sliding too rapidly into a new year. Taken all at once, it's overwhelming and sometimes panic-inducing. I don't think I'm wrong to speculate that I am not the only woman approaching or over 50 who is in this position.
This has been a year of upheaval for me. If the previous new year held any promise, none of it came my way. I lost my job, I lost my insurance… twice, I had massive debt on my house due to water damage, I learned that I'm menopausal, all of my utility bills increased, groceries cost more, my unemployment ran out, my job search has been fruitless, my health has suffered, and, frankly, I'm lonely. That's never more apparent than at this time of year. Sheesh… what's an assured women to do?
I'm just discouraged and facing an austere future. I'd be a fool to ignore that fact, but it would be equally as foolish to wallow in it. It's not what I've come to… yet.
Today, in this moment, life is hard, but I'm ok.
Today, I have a few days of health coverage left and I am still stretching (thin) the unemployment benefits I received in previous months. Job postings will likely pick up after the 1st of the year when new budgets go into effect and I can refine my resumes in the meantime. My bills keep coming and I keep paying them the best I can. My health is a struggle under the pressure - I just keep going anyway. And I may end up homeless, but for now I have a home.
My message to all of you is to focus on today. What's done is done. What will be will be. Instead of dwelling, I ask myself, "What will I do today and how can I find the joy in it?"
Today I will sing songs I love… loudly and without apology.
Today I will make myself laugh at least once.
Today I will be productive and accomplish a necessary task (dishes, laundry, dusting...)
Today I will get curious and learn something new.
Today I will decorate something… a wall, a room, or anything that doesn't move.
Today I will go out into the world and be kind to others.
Today I will reach out to my friends who stopped reaching out to me.
Today I will let go of fear, frustration, loneliness and anger.
Today I will stand up and face what comes.
Today I will believe that tomorrow will be even better.
Despite what's happened this past year, I will take my life transitions one day at a time. I will be brave. I will be well. I will be at peace.
Tomorrow I will do, be and believe the same.
To all of you who are going through this with me, I wish you peace, prosperity and most of all hope in the new year.
You can help. Leaping the Chasm is asking women of an assured age to help us understand the unique struggles and needs of this age group by answering ten anonymous questions. It's fast, it's easy and it's the first step toward developing solutions.
If you have a tough life transition story and want to share your experience with others or are willing to be interviewed for a column, please contact us. If you are a solution or service provider and would like LTC to review your offering, contact us to discuss.
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About Leaping the Chasm
Leaping the Chasm™ (LTC) provides candid conversations and social media engagement for women in their 40's, 50's and beyond who are undergoing the personal, physical, financial, education and employment transitions that often accompany mid-life. LTC shares experiences, transfers knowledge, improves outlook, connects people, and helps identify opportunities for this powerful demographic.
You are not alone. Daily struggles. Good advise. I think I shall sing.